After reading chapter 4, write a paragraph identifying 3 personality traits or qualities of Alex. Be sure to include reasons from the text for your assertsions. You can post this to the blog or hand in a hard copy for this response.
Chris McCandless also known as Alexander Supertramp Is not only motivated and smart he is also very lucky. His behavior demonstrating motivation and drive is exhibited when he was so determined to get over the boarder without identification that he risked his life by going through the floodgates. He also went is to restricted territory in the U.S. that was run from the government, where he could have gotten imprisoned or killed. These examples of motivation are also examples of lucky. Escaping death, imprisonment is amazing, especially when he was stuck in the middle of the ocean with only one ore. His intelligence also got his into the U.S without I.D and the knowledge to know to bury his belongings before entering a city. With motivation, luck and smarts Alex has escaped death and imprisonment, all well keeping him out of harms way. -Alexis Boggs
Chris McCandles has many important traits and qualities but many people believe these three stand out the most. Chris is self-controlling, manipulative, and very determined. When Chris is angry, he controls himself. He stops himself from putting himself and his emotions in mental harm. “He screams and beats his canoe with oar. The oar breaks. Alex has one spare oar. He calms himself. If he loses second oar is dead”. This is a point in the story where he gets into a predicament and talks himself through it. In other ways, Alex is also very manipulative with his words, and gets himself out of custody by putting together a cleaver story on how he got over the United States border in the first place and why now he doesn’t have any ID. “He spent a night in custody before concocting a story that sprang him from the slammer”. Alex is a lot of things but most of all determined. He will not give up on his life as a vagabond. He just keeps going, farther and farther then back, then to somewhere else in North America. He is offered various items from people he meets along his journey but rarely takes a penny. He retains jobs but won’t keep them. “On May 10, itchy feet returned and Alex left his job in Vegas”. It is almost like he cannot tolerate living with the same location and the same people for over a couple months. Like something in his past had made it so he is uncomfortable in the same place for too long. -kylie
First of all, Alex is kind of asocial. For instance, “If he went to the rangers, however, they would have some irksome questions for him. He could simply abandon the Datsun and resume his odyssey on foot. And that’s what he decided to do” which is mentioned in the chapter four, exactly demonstrates this point. It is unbelievable he left his car which he loved so much just since he have no patience to talk with rangers, but it is also absolutely reasonable that he did so as he was a such person who followed and only followed his own feeling. Whatever, he even disappeared from his families without any worry. Secondly, he never proved ungrateful. The quota “For the next two years Alex sent us a postcard every month or two” suggests that he always remembered the help from others and showed his thanks to them. It is kind of weird that a person did not care his family while he never stopped contacting the friendly citizens he met during the road. Obviously, he was determined. He fights with the “high, breaking waves” from the ocean with his little canoe and oars. What’s more, one of his oars even broke. However, he never gave up and finally won this cruel war with nature. He reached the beach again successfully. He suffered so much during the tramp journey and he never considered a little to stop it and come back to society where he still have perfect status, wealthy and good family background.--Yuan
The first quality is his determination he will not stop until the Gulf of California. Also anything stopping him from achieving his goals causes him great frustration. Finally he doesn’t care about the law which could possibly get him into trouble Willy Cahoon
There are many different sides to Chris McCandless, or Alex Supertramp, but there was three that really stood out to me, these start off with the face that he is a very angry person, this trait may be pushing him back, because when he doesn’t get somewhere in the time or the way he wanted, he flips out, he breaks his valuables and stops thinking about what is going to happen next as told from the book “he screams and beats his oar. The oar breaks.” The next quality that Chris or Alex have are stubbornness, this is a good and bad trait to have, because this trait will push him to go further in his adventure without him giving up, but on the other hand, he will never accept help that is given to him, which will most likely be the death of him in the end. The last quality that McCandless has is, he lives in the moment, he never looks to the future, this trait is also good and bad because he didn’t bring enough supplies for his adventure, but then again, he is a free spirit, he loves this new life, and that’s all everyone ever wants, is to love their life.
Chris McCandless has a variety of traits that make him a likely candidate to survive an extended trip to the Alaskan woods; he is very self-controlled, optimistic, and determined. He will lose his temper yes, but he will retrieve it before he does any real damage, “he screams and beats canoe with oar. The oar breaks. Alex has one spare oar. He calms himself.” He is always positive, no matter who or what is trying to get him down. “Malnutrition and the road have taken their toll on his body. Over 25 pounds lost. But his spirit is soaring.” His own body is fighting him, yet he is mentally un-phased. Lastly Chris is persistent, no matter how you look at it he won’t give up. When he gets caught in the maze of canals, he just keeps going far longer than most people would.
Chris McCandless is a friendly man because everywhere he goes no matter what he’s looking like or currently doing he can easily make friends and people are willing to help him without even knowing him, so he must have a lot of likeable qualities. He also must be a hard worker or he must at least be an efficient one for him to be able to get jobs so easily, especially considering he got one without even having any ID or even a resume. So far in the book he has also shown to be a very easily angered person when in tough situations unlike some people where they would stay calm he panics and gets angry, for example when he was in the swamp and he realized that he couldn’t reach the ocean he got extremely angry and freaked out without solving anything and in the ocean he got mad and smashed an oar without thinking which couldve costed him his life if he didnt have a spare. - Keegan Hodgson
Michaila Roberts Dec, 7th, 2012 Chapter 4 – 3 Qualities of Alex I believe that Alex Supertramp; the main character of this book has many qualities, but there are 3 that are recognized above most. His crazy unpredictable mood swings for one are amongst every page, and it doesn’t seem to be very rational anger this quote proves just that, “He screams and beat’s canoe with oar. The oar breaks.” For me I’d realize beforehand that breaking an oar while in the ocean would not be the smartest idea to pursue. He also has shown in various ways to live his life to the fullest, this whole book being an example of that because he’s left everything behind for the adventure, and exploration of the world for his own amusement. Lastly the biggest fact of all, Alex Supertramp doesn’t give up. Ever. He reached many dead ends trying to get himself to the ocean, he failed numerous times but in the end it all prevailed he succeeded in his quest for the sea.
Alex showed many characteristics in this chapter and these are some of the more important ones. One of his qualities was determination to complete his mission. He got lost in a swamp for days but continued on his goal to the ocean. Alex also lost 25 pounds from his trip but he continued anyways with high spirits. Alex was also solitary or anti-social. He enjoyed the time away from society and when he went back to get a job, he felt out of place and was ready to get back on the road as soon as possible. He was also very independent. Alex chose not to accept help from his parents or friends and he survived quite well with what he had. Those are some of the qualities of Alex -Haylan Cross
Chris McCandless has many varied qualities that shaped his adventure and inevitably his fate. One of the qualities he had was his determination and willingness to continue with his adventure; even when times were bad or he was hungry he still persisted and felt he needed to keep going. The second quality he had was gained while he was in the desert for over a month, he was out of society for over a month and in turn developed to be incredibly anti-social and uncomfortable around the general population and in-secure in public, this was not a good quality but did play a large role in his adventure. The third and final major quality was his stubbornness, he would not back down despite all the bad things that happened to him along the way including, trouble with authorities, near starvation and heat stroke in the desert. In conclusion Chris had qualities that pushed him to the ends of America and beyond, all while surviving with little money and food only the will to survive and love for adventure. -David Henigman slightly late.
Evan Hughes Ch. 4 In the book Alex develops many different qualities to fit his new identity of Alexander Supertramp. He can survive on very little food and still be happy. He can also go 36 days without being in contact with anyone while fighting hunger in a canoe on the ocean. But Alex unlike Chris doesn’t like being in society when goes to Los Angeles “to get a ID and a job but feels extremely uncomfortable in society now and must return to the road immediately.” So it’s like Chris is becoming more and more independent as he turns himself into Alexander supertramp.
3 qualities of Chris One of Chris’s qualities is determination. Even though he has lost weight and his journey in the wild wasn’t going as successful as he thought it was going to be, he still wanted to continue living this kind of life. His parents would have probably gave him all the money he needed to get his regular life back together if he returned but even through the harsh conditions he was going through he still didn’t want to give up and continued living his life in the wilderness. Not only did he have a lot of determination but he was also very stubborn. “I said the hunting wasn’t easy where he was going, that he could go for days without killing any game “There were plenty of people telling him how dangerous and hard it was going to be living in the wild and that hunting wasn’t as easy as Chris thought it would be but his stubbornness led him to believe that it wasn’t going to be that bad and that he was going to be fine. One of Alex’s most obvious qualities was that he was strongly antisocial. There were lots of people that Alex met on his journey he always tried keeping mostly to himself and only revealed what he thought would interest others . He couldn’t care less of what others thought of him and never stayed in touch with people for too long. ~Judith
Alex’s qualities In chapter 4, Alex travels to Mexico down through the canal on his canoe before returning back to the states. Alex is much unprepared, he often finds himself in dangerous situations because he hasn’t done any planning ahead of time. While he is trying to escape the desert “he becomes progressively lost to the point where he must push his canoe through the reeds and drag it through mud” and later realizes he’s stuck in a swamp. Luckily he finds a group of Mexican duck hunters who show him the way out. Though Alex always sees himself in bad situations he’s determined to get what he wants no matter what he has to go through. He takes chances, sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. After his travel in Mexico he returns to the United States, his home town, but he doesn’t feel he wants to be a part of society. After 36 days of being alone in the wilderness he’s turned into an individual and doesn’t enjoy interacting with others. He finds himself living on the streets in Las Vegas because he has no job which means no money. He’s now stuck in a hole once again. - Kelsey
Chris McCandless shows a lot of qualities in this chapter but these 3 are the most important. Frist of all he is very determined because even when he faced hail force winds he didn’t even think of returning home or turning around. He also very stubborn because instead of choosing a different route because of bad conditions or because it was unsafe to travel down the route he had to go on the route that he choose. He has survival instincts because he can survive with very little food and even though he was ill prepared he was still able to survive tough conditions. Some of the incidents in this chapter you could say that he showed different qualities but these are the most important.
Chris McCandless had created Alex Supertramp as his 2nd identity as someone who he wants to be. Alex is a non caring, courageous, free man who Chris was trying to become. Alex had gone into the wild with no help and only enough to survive for a few days, which shows he is courageous. When he was in the wild, he should have prepared, which he could have, but this brings us to the next point of him being non caring. He did not accept any gifts from the people he met along the way and he did not care about what he had with him. Feeling free, according to his mind, is being alone, understanding that work and school isn't the only thing that you should live for. He went into the wild to feel something that most of us have never even thought about. He was free.
There are a variety of different traits and quality’s that stood out to me about Chris McCandless. The first main one is anger. Chris was a very angry person, If he did not get his way he would get frustrated and break his belongings “He screams and beats his oar. The oar breaks.” The next Trait I would say best suits Chris would be Determination. He burned all his money and left his life with the supply’s he needed; He would rarely take much from strangers and this could have been his downfall. “Said he’d been surviving on edible plants he identified from his book.” This is the quote I chose for his last trait, Self-Dependent. We see through this whole book about how he doesn’t want to accept handouts and later we see him surviving alone in Alaska. He never gave up until it was too late.
Chris McCandless is a logical person that is well educated however he becomes attached to many people and things . This is an excerpt out of the book “On February 24, seven and a half months after he abandoned the Datsun, McCandless returned to Detrital Wash, The Park service had long since impounded the vehicle, but he unearthed his old Virginia plates.” This proves that Chris is attached to his car. Chris also has an amazing ability to control his feelings especially when he is in danger or under pressure, For example when he was stuck in the swamp most people would start to panic getting even more disoriented but Chris stayed calm and found help. Finally, there is one trait that is apparent throughout the whole story. Chris is very guarded he created a whole new persona so that people wouldn’t be able to look him up and find out who he really is. Jess
Chris McCandless was a hard working individual that had the guts to leave everything behind and be where he really wanted to be, into the wild. Chris had gone into the wild with no help and he only hitchhiked his way to his destination. Chris’s real name is Alex Supertramp, he had a different kind has relationship with his parents, they offered to buy him a new car but he was still unbelievably inlove with his old car. Also he didn’t want his parents to be helping him anymore. Out of all the time he has taken to get to the place, where he wanted to be, Alex has always found a way to make things better. He made so many people laugh and have such a great time around him. Chris wrote all his time being not only in note but he took the time to take pictures of his time being there so he and also we will never forget the adventures is Alex Supertramp. -Brooke
Mike. A Alex has been tramping the country for about three years now and where ever he goes he meets new people. Alex super tramp has shown he has many Emotions and talents, including eagerness, he did anything he wanted to with the utmost enthusiasm. Almost Every person Alex meets, he instantly makes a connection with, he has the charisma to connect with anybody he wants, Wayne westenberg, Jane and Ron Bures and the R.V driver who gave him a ride to Anchorage are just four people out of his whole journey with whom he almost instantly connected with. His Third most prominent trait Would definitely have to luck, When he was in the swamp lost, hungry and laying there in his canoe crying and waiting to die, guess who came along, a duck hunting party.
It took John Krakauer a whole novel to describe Chris McCandless and tell of his adventures, it can be done in three words. The first is impulsive, as Chris quite often demonstrates doing things without thinking them through, such as buying a canoe and illegally going down the Colorado River. He is also persistent, because once Chris latches onto a goal whether it be as large as graduating from college or small as cleaning the gutters at Westerberg’s farm, he does whatever it takes to accomplish the task. The third trait Chris demonstrates is resourcefulness. He is a real life MacGyver when it comes to problem solving, he can survive merely on foraged berries, cross 400 miles through irrigation canals and thick swamp on a second-hand canoe, and cross the country on less than a month’s pay. The combo of those three things made for one heck of an adventure for Chris.
Chris McCandless also known as Alexander Supertramp Is not only motivated and smart he is also very lucky. His behavior demonstrating motivation and drive is exhibited when he was so determined to get over the boarder without identification that he risked his life by going through the floodgates. He also went is to restricted territory in the U.S. that was run from the government, where he could have gotten imprisoned or killed. These examples of motivation are also examples of lucky. Escaping death, imprisonment is amazing, especially when he was stuck in the middle of the ocean with only one ore. His intelligence also got his into the U.S without I.D and the knowledge to know to bury his belongings before entering a city. With motivation, luck and smarts Alex has escaped death and imprisonment, all well keeping him out of harms way. -Alexis Boggs
ReplyDeleteChris McCandles has many important traits and qualities but many people believe these three stand out the most. Chris is self-controlling, manipulative, and very determined. When Chris is angry, he controls himself. He stops himself from putting himself and his emotions in mental harm. “He screams and beats his canoe with oar. The oar breaks. Alex has one spare oar. He calms himself. If he loses second oar is dead”. This is a point in the story where he gets into a predicament and talks himself through it. In other ways, Alex is also very manipulative with his words, and gets himself out of custody by putting together a cleaver story on how he got over the United States border in the first place and why now he doesn’t have any ID. “He spent a night in custody before concocting a story that sprang him from the slammer”. Alex is a lot of things but most of all determined. He will not give up on his life as a vagabond. He just keeps going, farther and farther then back, then to somewhere else in North America. He is offered various items from people he meets along his journey but rarely takes a penny. He retains jobs but won’t keep them. “On May 10, itchy feet returned and Alex left his job in Vegas”. It is almost like he cannot tolerate living with the same location and the same people for over a couple months. Like something in his past had made it so he is uncomfortable in the same place for too long. -kylie
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Alex is kind of asocial. For instance, “If he went to the rangers, however, they would have some irksome questions for him. He could simply abandon the Datsun and resume his odyssey on foot. And that’s what he decided to do” which is mentioned in the chapter four, exactly demonstrates this point. It is unbelievable he left his car which he loved so much just since he have no patience to talk with rangers, but it is also absolutely reasonable that he did so as he was a such person who followed and only followed his own feeling. Whatever, he even disappeared from his families without any worry.
ReplyDeleteSecondly, he never proved ungrateful. The quota “For the next two years Alex sent us a postcard every month or two” suggests that he always remembered the help from others and showed his thanks to them. It is kind of weird that a person did not care his family while he never stopped contacting the friendly citizens he met during the road.
Obviously, he was determined. He fights with the “high, breaking waves” from the ocean with his little canoe and oars. What’s more, one of his oars even broke. However, he never gave up and finally won this cruel war with nature. He reached the beach again successfully. He suffered so much during the tramp journey and he never considered a little to stop it and come back to society where he still have perfect status, wealthy and good family background.--Yuan
The first quality is his determination he will not stop until the Gulf of California. Also anything stopping him from achieving his goals causes him great frustration. Finally he doesn’t care about the law which could possibly get him into trouble
ReplyDeleteWilly Cahoon
There are many different sides to Chris McCandless, or Alex Supertramp, but there was three that really stood out to me, these start off with the face that he is a very angry person, this trait may be pushing him back, because when he doesn’t get somewhere in the time or the way he wanted, he flips out, he breaks his valuables and stops thinking about what is going to happen next as told from the book “he screams and beats his oar. The oar breaks.” The next quality that Chris or Alex have are stubbornness, this is a good and bad trait to have, because this trait will push him to go further in his adventure without him giving up, but on the other hand, he will never accept help that is given to him, which will most likely be the death of him in the end. The last quality that McCandless has is, he lives in the moment, he never looks to the future, this trait is also good and bad because he didn’t bring enough supplies for his adventure, but then again, he is a free spirit, he loves this new life, and that’s all everyone ever wants, is to love their life.
ReplyDelete- Taylor Spenner
Chris McCandless has a variety of traits that make him a likely candidate to survive an extended trip to the Alaskan woods; he is very self-controlled, optimistic, and determined. He will lose his temper yes, but he will retrieve it before he does any real damage, “he screams and beats canoe with oar. The oar breaks. Alex has one spare oar. He calms himself.” He is always positive, no matter who or what is trying to get him down. “Malnutrition and the road have taken their toll on his body. Over 25 pounds lost. But his spirit is soaring.” His own body is fighting him, yet he is mentally un-phased. Lastly Chris is persistent, no matter how you look at it he won’t give up. When he gets caught in the maze of canals, he just keeps going far longer than most people would.
ReplyDeleteChris McCandless is a friendly man because everywhere he goes no matter what he’s looking like or currently doing he can easily make friends and people are willing to help him without even knowing him, so he must have a lot of likeable qualities. He also must be a hard worker or he must at least be an efficient one for him to be able to get jobs so easily, especially considering he got one without even having any ID or even a resume. So far in the book he has also shown to be a very easily angered person when in tough situations unlike some people where they would stay calm he panics and gets angry, for example when he was in the swamp and he realized that he couldn’t reach the ocean he got extremely angry and freaked out without solving anything and in the ocean he got mad and smashed an oar without thinking which couldve costed him his life if he didnt have a spare.
ReplyDelete- Keegan Hodgson
Michaila Roberts
ReplyDeleteDec, 7th, 2012
Chapter 4 – 3 Qualities of Alex
I believe that Alex Supertramp; the main character of this book has many qualities, but there are 3 that are recognized above most. His crazy unpredictable mood swings for one are amongst every page, and it doesn’t seem to be very rational anger this quote proves just that,
“He screams and beat’s canoe with oar. The oar breaks.” For me I’d realize beforehand that breaking an oar while in the ocean would not be the smartest idea to pursue. He also has shown in various ways to live his life to the fullest, this whole book being an example of that because he’s left everything behind for the adventure, and exploration of the world for his own amusement. Lastly the biggest fact of all, Alex Supertramp doesn’t give up. Ever. He reached many dead ends trying to get himself to the ocean, he failed numerous times but in the end it all prevailed he succeeded in his quest for the sea.
Alex showed many characteristics in this chapter and these are some of the more important ones. One of his qualities was determination to complete his mission. He got lost in a swamp for days but continued on his goal to the ocean. Alex also lost 25 pounds from his trip but he continued anyways with high spirits. Alex was also solitary or anti-social. He enjoyed the time away from society and when he went back to get a job, he felt out of place and was ready to get back on the road as soon as possible. He was also very independent. Alex chose not to accept help from his parents or friends and he survived quite well with what he had. Those are some of the qualities of Alex
ReplyDelete-Haylan Cross
Chris McCandless has many varied qualities that shaped his adventure and inevitably his fate. One of the qualities he had was his determination and willingness to continue with his adventure; even when times were bad or he was hungry he still persisted and felt he needed to keep going. The second quality he had was gained while he was in the desert for over a month, he was out of society for over a month and in turn developed to be incredibly anti-social and uncomfortable around the general population and in-secure in public, this was not a good quality but did play a large role in his adventure. The third and final major quality was his stubbornness, he would not back down despite all the bad things that happened to him along the way including, trouble with authorities, near starvation and heat stroke in the desert. In conclusion Chris had qualities that pushed him to the ends of America and beyond, all while surviving with little money and food only the will to survive and love for adventure.
ReplyDelete-David Henigman slightly late.
Evan Hughes
ReplyDeleteCh. 4
In the book Alex develops many different qualities to fit his new identity of Alexander Supertramp. He can survive on very little food and still be happy. He can also go 36 days without being in contact with anyone while fighting hunger in a canoe on the ocean. But Alex unlike Chris doesn’t like being in society when goes to Los Angeles “to get a ID and a job but feels extremely uncomfortable in society now and must return to the road immediately.” So it’s like Chris is becoming more and more independent as he turns himself into Alexander supertramp.
3 qualities of Chris
ReplyDeleteOne of Chris’s qualities is determination. Even though he has lost weight and his journey in the wild wasn’t going as successful as he thought it was going to be, he still wanted to continue living this kind of life. His parents would have probably gave him all the money he needed to get his regular life back together if he returned but even through the harsh conditions he was going through he still didn’t want to give up and continued living his life in the wilderness. Not only did he have a lot of determination but he was also very stubborn. “I said the hunting wasn’t easy where he was going, that he could go for days without killing any game “There were plenty of people telling him how dangerous and hard it was going to be living in the wild and that hunting wasn’t as easy as Chris thought it would be but his stubbornness led him to believe that it wasn’t going to be that bad and that he was going to be fine. One of Alex’s most obvious qualities was that he was strongly antisocial. There were lots of people that Alex met on his journey he always tried keeping mostly to himself and only revealed what he thought would interest others . He couldn’t care less of what others thought of him and never stayed in touch with people for too long. ~Judith
Alex’s qualities
ReplyDeleteIn chapter 4, Alex travels to Mexico down through the canal on his canoe before returning back to the states. Alex is much unprepared, he often finds himself in dangerous situations because he hasn’t done any planning ahead of time. While he is trying to escape the desert “he becomes progressively lost to the point where he must push his canoe through the reeds and drag it through mud” and later realizes he’s stuck in a swamp. Luckily he finds a group of Mexican duck hunters who show him the way out. Though Alex always sees himself in bad situations he’s determined to get what he wants no matter what he has to go through. He takes chances, sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. After his travel in Mexico he returns to the United States, his home town, but he doesn’t feel he wants to be a part of society. After 36 days of being alone in the wilderness he’s turned into an individual and doesn’t enjoy interacting with others. He finds himself living on the streets in Las Vegas because he has no job which means no money. He’s now stuck in a hole once again.
- Kelsey
Chris McCandless shows a lot of qualities in this chapter but these 3 are the most important. Frist of all he is very determined because even when he faced hail force winds he didn’t even think of returning home or turning around. He also very stubborn because instead of choosing a different route because of bad conditions or because it was unsafe to travel down the route he had to go on the route that he choose. He has survival instincts because he can survive with very little food and even though he was ill prepared he was still able to survive tough conditions. Some of the incidents in this chapter you could say that he showed different qualities but these are the most important.
ReplyDelete-Kevin Patenaude
Chris McCandless had created Alex Supertramp as his 2nd identity as someone who he wants to be. Alex is a non caring, courageous, free man who Chris was trying to become. Alex had gone into the wild with no help and only enough to survive for a few days, which shows he is courageous. When he was in the wild, he should have prepared, which he could have, but this brings us to the next point of him being non caring. He did not accept any gifts from the people he met along the way and he did not care about what he had with him. Feeling free, according to his mind, is being alone, understanding that work and school isn't the only thing that you should live for. He went into the wild to feel something that most of us have never even thought about. He was free.
ReplyDelete-Anna Serdyukova :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
There are a variety of different traits and quality’s that stood out to me about Chris McCandless. The first main one is anger. Chris was a very angry person, If he did not get his way he would get frustrated and break his belongings “He screams and beats his oar. The oar breaks.” The next Trait I would say best suits Chris would be Determination. He burned all his money and left his life with the supply’s he needed; He would rarely take much from strangers and this could have been his downfall. “Said he’d been surviving on edible plants he identified from his book.” This is the quote I chose for his last trait, Self-Dependent. We see through this whole book about how he doesn’t want to accept handouts and later we see him surviving alone in Alaska. He never gave up until it was too late.
ReplyDeleteChris McCandless is a logical person that is well educated however he becomes attached to many people and things . This is an excerpt out of the book “On February 24, seven and a half months after he abandoned the Datsun, McCandless returned to Detrital Wash, The Park service had long since impounded the vehicle, but he unearthed his old Virginia plates.” This proves that Chris is attached to his car. Chris also has an amazing ability to control his feelings especially when he is in danger or under pressure, For example when he was stuck in the swamp most people would start to panic getting even more disoriented but Chris stayed calm and found help. Finally, there is one trait that is apparent throughout the whole story. Chris is very guarded he created a whole new persona so that people wouldn’t be able to look him up and find out who he really is.
Chris McCandless was a hard working individual that had the guts to leave everything behind and be where he really wanted to be, into the wild. Chris had gone into the wild with no help and he only hitchhiked his way to his destination. Chris’s real name is Alex Supertramp, he had a different kind has relationship with his parents, they offered to buy him a new car but he was still unbelievably inlove with his old car. Also he didn’t want his parents to be helping him anymore. Out of all the time he has taken to get to the place, where he wanted to be, Alex has always found a way to make things better. He made so many people laugh and have such a great time around him. Chris wrote all his time being not only in note but he took the time to take pictures of his time being there so he and also we will never forget the adventures is Alex Supertramp. -Brooke
ReplyDeleteMike. A
ReplyDeleteAlex has been tramping the country for about three years now and where ever he goes he meets new people. Alex super tramp has shown he has many Emotions and talents, including eagerness, he did anything he wanted to with the utmost enthusiasm. Almost Every person Alex meets, he instantly makes a connection with, he has the charisma to connect with anybody he wants, Wayne westenberg, Jane and Ron Bures and the R.V driver who gave him a ride to Anchorage are just four people out of his whole journey with whom he almost instantly connected with. His Third most prominent trait Would definitely have to luck, When he was in the swamp lost, hungry and laying there in his canoe crying and waiting to die, guess who came along, a duck hunting party.
Brandon Cotton
ReplyDeleteInto The Wild Chapter 4 - Traits
It took John Krakauer a whole novel to describe Chris McCandless and tell of his adventures, it can be done in three words. The first is impulsive, as Chris quite often demonstrates doing things without thinking them through, such as buying a canoe and illegally going down the Colorado River. He is also persistent, because once Chris latches onto a goal whether it be as large as graduating from college or small as cleaning the gutters at Westerberg’s farm, he does whatever it takes to accomplish the task. The third trait Chris demonstrates is resourcefulness. He is a real life MacGyver when it comes to problem solving, he can survive merely on foraged berries, cross 400 miles through irrigation canals and thick swamp on a second-hand canoe, and cross the country on less than a month’s pay. The combo of those three things made for one heck of an adventure for Chris.